Monday, October 27, 2014

Fun Halloween Treats that aren't Candy!

So this year for Halloween, I didn't want to send candy to school with my kids for them to give out in calss.  I can't help but feel guilt already for the amount of candy my own kids are going to bring home.  But there really is no way around it - if you are going to participate in Halloween, you are going to have to live with the consequences.  Which happens to be kids bringing home their body weight worth of sugar. 

So I saw on Pinterst dressed up juice boxes.  Thought I'd go that route.  This is the link to the site I found pinned, the juice boxes are towards the bottom of the page. 

But then I found these taller numbers that I loved (they were cheaper.)  Now.  Are they calorie for calorie better than a Butterfinger?  Nope.  But I think the distinction can still be made, they are not candy.

Probably the most important "supply" in this project was time - it took a couple hours.  How do I justify spending a couple hours on this, you may ask?  Well, first of all, creating fills my bucket - happy mom means happy family, right?  And second, we JUST this month got a DVR in our house.  So I had some stuff I had to get watched and deleted.  I can not justify just sitting down and watching a movie, but I can justify watching a movie while making something special for the kids' school. 

Here are my supplies when I first sat down:

Everything pictured but the "juice" I had on hand.  Once I got into it, I got out some googly eyes, construction paper, white out, and my bag of  nail polish, too.  Pushed play on the new DVR (how did I live this long recording on a VCR????) and started creating! 
Living in a boom town, my kids have 24 kids in a first grade and 28 kids in the fourth grade class.  That's a lot of "juice" to decorate!
Ended up with some jack-o-laterns and Frankensteins...
Some monsters and mummies.

Now that I got this all written up, I suppose I should go clean up my mess!!  And pay attention to the rest of the work of the day, you know, dishes, laundry, etc...
Happy Halloween you all!  Next blog: a Pinterest inspired Halloween FAIL.

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